
Teacher Certification Requirements for OmGym® Suspension Yoga™ Classes

Becoming a Certified OmGym® Suspension Yoga™ Teacher distinguishes you as a Leading Educator for the Suspension Yoga Method, the method originally created by OmGym® International, LLC.

OmGym® Suspension Yoga™ is officially recognized as a specialty by the International Yoga Federation and the Canadian Yoga Alliance. OmGym® International, LLC is the sole provider of the only internationally recognized teacher training program in Suspension Yoga. The Yoga Alliance of USA, the International Yoga Federation, and the Canadian Yoga Alliance provide CEC's for OmGym® Suspension Yoga™ Training.


  • • Attend Class by a Certified Teacher of OmGym® Suspension Yoga™ Classes
  • Submit Online Teacher-Trainee Application
  • • Submit Evidence of the Completion of a 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program or Equivalent
  • • Be in Good Standing in the Community as a Professional
  • • Complete the OmGym® Suspension Yoga™ Teacher Training Course
  • • Submit Documentation of the Completion of 35 One-on-One Practicum Hours
  • • Pass the OmGym® Practical Exam for Teachers
  • • Pass the OmGym® Written Exam for Teachers
  • • Pay Teacher Application Fee
  • • Abide by the Certified Teacher Agreement for OmGym® Suspension Yoga™ Classes
  • • Abide by the OmGym® International Manual for Teachers of OmGym® Suspension Yoga™ Classes

As a Certified Teacher of OmGym® Suspension Yoga™ Classes, you will be…

  • • Recognized Internationally as a Certified Teacher of OmGym® Suspension Yoga™ Classes
  • • Listed on the Official OmGym® International Website as a Certified Teacher
  • • Receiving Referrals from OmGym® International for Students for Your Classes
  • • Included on the OmGym® International Website Event Calendar
  • • Included in Media/Promotional Materials Sent by OmGym® International
  • • Included in OmGym® International Newsletters

To Get Started